Ideal boat for touring or pulling water sports.
Wakeboard, pair of skis and tube available on the boat
as an extra.
Size: 22 feet (5 meters)
Capacity: 8 people
Engine: 225 hp inboard
Other equipment: Radio, wakeboard, pair of skis, tube (extra).
Rental mode: Periods of 1 day

Party Barge 24
Pontoon boat ideal for touring.
It is not possible to pull water sports.
Size: 24 feet (7 meters)
Capacity: 14 people
Engine: 80 hp outboard
Other equipment: Radio
Rental mode: Periods of 1 day
Harris Omni 24
Pontoon boat ideal for touring.
It is not possible to pull water sports.
Size: 24 feet (7 meters)
Capacity: 11 people
Engine: 50 hp outboard
Other equipment: Radio
Rental mode: Periods of 1 day

Ideal boat for touring or pulling water sports.
Wakeboar pair of skis and tube available on the boat
as an extra.
Size: 22 feet (5 meters)
Capacity: 8 people
Engine: 225 hp inboard
Other equipment: Radio, wakeboard, pair of skis, tube (extra).
Rental mode: Periods of 1 day

Europe class sailing boat for 1 person.
Water shoes, gloves and knee pads available.
Capacity: 1 person
Rental mode: Periods of 1 hour
1/2 day periods
Periods of 1 day